The Beatles "The Beatles"

Much of the music is sluggish and the songs drag. "While My Guitar
Gently Weeps" and "Happiness is a Warm Gun" are leaden and seem
to get slower as they go on. Other songs are childish such as "Bungalow
Bill" and "Rocky Raccoon". "Helter Skelter" goes
nowhere and takes too long to get there. Overall, the writing and the playing
lacks conviction. Only "Back in the USSR" and the acoustic numbers
are worth hearing again, and even then the gorgeous and clever
"Blackbird" is ruined by that stupid metronome for no good reason.
Too often, the world's most innovative group seem intent on creating pastiches
of other music such as Chuck Berry, doo wop, soul, blues, music hall, country
music, ska (although "Ob-la-di ob-la-da" is more like a calypso in
its narration of the story of Desmond and Molly Jones), heavy metal etc. A lot
of the record sounds like dull American rock music.
The fact that a lot of the pieces were recorded singly and independently by
each of the group means that none of the pieces have any sort of swing to them
and are never fully realised as compositions, cf. the much more successful
"Abbey Road" album.
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